
Our history
The Mac Mahon Patisserie was born in 1971, thanks to the will of Giovanni Rampinelli, affectionately known by friends and family as Vanni, who was thirty-two at the time, in partnership with his friend Angelo Cavaleri. Assisted by his mother Elena, other relatives and friends, and full of confidence in his own abilities, Giovanni took on the challenge of introducing a new traditional patisserie to the rapidly expanding suburbs of Milan. He relied on simplicity and quality, capitalizing on the lengthy apprenticeship and experience he had gained previously while working for some of the best patissiers in Milan.


Between November 1960 and April 1962, Giovanni left for his lengthy military service. Upon his return, Cremonesi had sold the business and the new ownership had changed its management. After fifteen days, he leaves and gets hired by Taveggia, with a salary of 65 thousand lire per month. Vanni proudly recalls:

"I was the last collaborator hired by Fermo Taveggia, the founder of the prestigious Pasticceria on Visconti di Modrone Street, before he died a few months later. Then I worked with Leone Taveggia, his brother, before the bakery was passed on to Piero Carnelli. The property was then inherited by his daughter Enrica and her husband Roberto Sangalli. I remember Vittorio Carnelli, the other son, was a director at De Marchi Clinic. Today, the ownership has changed hands many times, and it′s not even Italian anymore. But at that time, Taveggia was truly Taveggia".

From 1968, Giovanni then began moving from bakery to bakery, also gaining brief experience, as an expert panettonista, at Alemagna on Guglielmo Silva Street, an experience he remembers with some bitterness:

"I lasted only a very short time, it felt like I was working in a factory, I no longer felt like a craftsman, and I left for Molina, the historic bakery on Moscati Street and finally for Ranieri on Corso Italia."


In 1971, the big leap. Without substantial financial means, but with lots of passion and confidence in their craftsmanship and entrepreneurial abilities, they accept to sign all 234 necessary bills to purchase the walls and equip the shop and workshop to the maximum, in the north-west area of Milan.
On October 29, 1971, the Mac Mahon Patisserie thus raises its shutter for the first time, and from there begins a story of passion and life, made of many sacrifices, yes, but also of huge gratifications and, above all, of many sweets and delicacies that have now accompanied different generations.

"There′s a sort of friendly competition among several of our loyal customers to claim the top spot to have been the first customer! Of course, we have seen some kids grow up for whom 45 years ago we made their baptism cake, today the graduation party of their children".

The bet on the nascent residential district in the area around via Mac Mahon and the ex Parco Campo dei Fiori, for the inhabitants "The Villette" - today renamed by the Municipality "Parco Testori" - also proves itself winning and within a few years the Patisserie makes a name not only in the district, but attracting admirers and customers from all over the city and beyond.

"My Patisserie", he said in a 1986 interview, "is a point of reference because when it was opened there was nothing and sweets were going to buy from the baker. I can say that I have accustomed the popular customers to have available all the best Patisserie".

In those early years, there were two pastry chefs and two saleswomen working in the Patisserie.
The first employees, with whom a friendship that still lasts was established, were Giancarlo Servida, who stayed from 1972 to 1981, (when he left to open his own patisserie, "Alex" in Pantigliate) and Roberto, known as "Robertino" Vallinoti, who will remain from 1972 to 1979 (he too will leave to open his own business in Sedriano).
In 1974 Angelo Cavaleri leaves the company, who opens his own business in via Bergamo in Milan.


Cavalieri, Servida and Vallinoti were the first in a long series of collaborators who, during those years, put their formative and professional experience to good use on Via Mac Mahon to start their own businesses.
"From Rampinelli, a school for merchants" will write an article in the industry magazine "Il Pasticcere Artigiano" in 1986, noting the large and unusual number of pastry chefs who, trained here, will open their own businesses.
In September 1975, the most important event in this story takes place: a young saleswoman from Rho arrives after a brief experience in Freguia, destined to become the lifelong collaborator: Dominga.
The future Mrs. Rampinelli still remembers with some emotion the birth of this love, between the first pranks behind the counter and the increasingly frequent walks under the umbrella to Bovisetta station, behind Campo di Fiori. Today Mrs. Dominga is still the most beloved face and smile among customers, who often and in large numbers continue to seek her out to make reservations or be served by her alone.
In July 1976 they are already married, in 1977 their first child is born, followed by a second in 1978 and a third in 1981. Her creative and enthusiastic contribution has played a decisive role in the growth of this business together with her husband. Not only did she perfect herself over the years in window displays and packaging but she also helped shape the charismatic identity of Pasticceria Mac Mahon. In 1978 Rampinelli - along with a group of friends and colleagues including Enzo Santoro (Pasticceria Martesana), Angelo Clivati, Grossi, Ungaro and others - founded COPAL Cooperativa Pasticceri Lombardi. It was a very lively cooperative reality that also served as a functional reference for dozens of pastry shops in Milan and Lombardy for many years. Giovanni was also the president of the cooperative from 1994 to 1999.
The years of COPAL were prosperous, giving birth to important friendships and collaborations among colleagues: competitions, television programs, trips, events, even sports tournaments and parties.

"We were a great group of friends who shared a passion for this profession and were held together by a strong spirit of collaboration."

On December 26th, 1980 the only misfortune occurred: a fire caused by a forgotten pot of butter on the stove burned some wooden boards used for proofing panettone dough and part of the kitchen, fortunately without causing major damage to the laboratory.

"The firefighters did more damage than the fire..." Vanni recalls. "They flooded the pastry shop and cellars. But we managed to reopen in just a few days."

The current team began to form in 1978 when Concetta, Dominga′s fifteen-year-old sister, joined the pastry shop, followed in 1987 by another familiar face to all our loyal customers, Laura Canobbio. In the laboratory came Luca Martino from Bovisa on September 3rd, 1988 specializing in baked goods. In January 1995 David Bernardeschi from Tuscany joined as well, working at first in the oven department before moving to the pantry. Finally, in September 2002 Emiliano Tiozzo from Cesate took over Massimo Campanella′s position in the pantry.
The composition of the laboratory has remained stable since then until today. Among our current saleswomen we must mention Domenica Mancuso who joined us in 2008.


Starting from 1993, the acquisition of commercial activities began in order to expand the laboratory.

"First the Dry Cleaner, then the Hairdresser, and finally the Boutique. At the beginning we were 6 operators in a space of 38 square meters, today among the three departments we have about 140 square meters at our disposal."

Meanwhile, the children grow up and prepare to enter the Pastry shop. Gianmarco, the eldest, after completing his studies in Accounting and military service, in 1997 was sent by his father to gain experience outside of their business, working as an apprentice for a couple of years with former collaborators such as his uncle Sandro Mazzoleni in Novate Milanese and Roberto Valinoti on Via Washington.

"I wanted my son to gain experience in a different context from ours so that starting from the bottom he could learn the trade and develop a correct and respectful attitude towards work and colleagues, with all its sacrifices and responsibilities."

He returned to the family business towards the end of the 90s, specializing in Offelleria department and continuing this activity until today. Andrea, the second son, chose a different path: he wanted to study. After finishing high school with a scientific degree, he enrolled in Philosophy faculty while collaborating sporadically at first and then part-time after military service while continuing his studies by working as an apprentice in Pastry shop.


2000s. In 2005, the children, previously employed as workers in the family business, officially join the company as partners alongside their parents.
Starting in 2009, Andrea feels the need to deepen his knowledge of the technical and scientific foundations of the trade and, following his own intuition, decides to delve into the world of chocolate by attending courses with master Eliseo Tonti at Cast Alimenti in Brescia.
Introduced and encouraged by his cousin Fulvio Balducci, with his service company for pastry chefs, he comes into contact with some excellent companies in the sector, including Molino Quaglia, and begins a collaboration with the French company Valrhona, participating in a series of demos, seminars and lessons dedicated to various specific topics in the world of chocolate making. With the intention of growing and deepening his expertise and experience in managing sourdough starter, he meets master bread maker Rolando Morandin and his daughter Francesca in 2012. He continues to collaborate with them on confectionery themes and especially on artisanal candying (2013).
Andrea therefore dedicates himself simultaneously to chocolate making and to studying how to make large leavened products - his great passion - devoting a lot of time to research and practice in order to bring the product to its maximum excellence possible and create new desserts, all following in his father Giovanni′s footsteps.
In order to adequately develop new themes and innovations, the Rampinelli family decides to make a significant investment. In 2012 they expand and renovate their laboratories by equipping a new area for producing large leavened products and a chocolate laboratory department capable of supporting the growing volumes produced in these sectors.
In 2013 they begin a partnership in close collaboration with Valrhona Italy and in 2016 with Molino Quaglia.
During these years, due also to the closure of their uncle Giuseppe′s historic Pasticceria Rampinelli founded in 1952 on Viale Tibaldi, the four partners decide to once again focus on their own name, making it more visible alongside their historic brand.
Starting in November 2014, brothers Gianmarco and Andrea Rampinelli formally take over the company from their parents, becoming the new effective owners of the Pasticceria. In 2015, on the occasion of the Universal Exposition in Milan, Pasticceria Mac Mahon-Rampinelli is invited to participate in an event on the theme of Panettone with the best artisan pastry shops in Milan. Between late 2015 and early 2016, a video is made about the production of Panettone - always a source of pride for the Pasticceria - a product that is the result of ancient tradition and new awareness and knowledge of ingredients, passed down from father to son. In March 2017, at the invitation of Molino Quaglia, brothers Gianmarco and Andrea Rampinelli participate in Identitą Golose Congress as part of the Bread Religion event, presenting a croissant made with Petra 9 flour, sourdough starter, IGP Piedmont hazelnut cream and candied Bergamot. The product receives positive feedback from both audiences and industry experts.

From Rampinelli, a story of shopkeepers...

Vanni Rampinelli opens the pastry shop "Mac Mahon" in the Le Villette neighborhood of Milan.
Angelo Cavaleri opens in via Bergamo in Milan.
Sandro Mazzoleni opens Pasticceria "Aurelio" in Novate.
Giancarlo Servida opens "Pasticceria Alex" in Pantigliate.
Roberto Vallinoti opens in Sedriano, and then in 1995 on via Washington in Milan.
Aldo Spitale opens Gelateria Eden in Pero.
Franco Liviero opens Pasticceria Liviero in Santa Maria della Versa and Stradella.
Cesare Casalino, current owner of Pasticceria Ferrari in Mede Lomellina.